Open science, Covid-19 and the memories of tomorrow
mapping of digital scientific platforms ilanguage
Covid-19, Memory, Open Science, Pernambuco, Social NetworkAbstract
The research had as general objective to map the networks and digital social media used as scientific platforms, between january and april of 2020 to combat covid-19 in Pernambuco. As a methodological contribution, the research was exploratory in terms of objectives and documental in terms of procedures. Through the Internet, four institutions from Pernambuco and a consortium resulted as a sample. A first analysis of the sample showed that these organizations used Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. This served as a methodological framework for a second analysis. This, in turn, verified how each organization used the digital environment to record and disseminate open data about Covid-19 in Pernambuco. The research concluded, at first, that, despite not having registered data since the beginning of the pandemic, one of the organizations anticipated the others with the objective of establishing strategies and procedural flows. In a second moment, it became clear that these organizations had not used the potential of social networks and media in the production, circulation and dissemination of open data, with the exception of one, since April/2020, when the pandemic had already started. Finally, the research showed that digital platforms enable, at the same time, an articulation between open data transparency, scientific practices and documentary evidence as a memory of the pandemic in the State.
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