Critical health information literacy

theoretical reflections on the vulnerability condition of refugees


  • Mariana Rodrigues Gomes de Mello UNESP
  • Daniel Martínez-Ávila Universidad de León



Health information, Information literacy, Critical information literacy, Informational behavior Vulnerability, Refugees


In Information Science, the term information literacy was used for the first time in 1974 by a US librarian named Paul Zurkowski, in a report entitled: “The information service environment relationships and priorities”. There are certain sectors that govern our lives, which we need to have a minimum of information competence in order to have a more dignified existence, health care being one of these aspects that deserves critical analysis capacity from all human beings. Therefore, education and health are directly related concepts when it comes to disease prevention. Therefore, our goal is to relate information competence, critical information competence, and health information, and to assess, as an example, the importance of this relationship to minimize the risk of contagion from serious diseases, such as the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in vulnerable groups, such as refugees. Methodologically, this is a research based on the literature review about the theme, with exploratory aspects, regarding the relationship between critical health information literacy and the situation of vulnerability of refugees to the risks of contamination with HIV and the development of AIDS. We conclude that critical reflection, information literacy and informational behavior form an inseparable tripod, which is the key to the claim of human rights, including access to health.


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Author Biographies

Mariana Rodrigues Gomes de Mello, UNESP

Doutoranda em Ciência da Informação no Programa de Pós-Graduação da Universidade Estadual Paulista. Mestra pelo mesmo programa e instituição. Especialista em Direito Público, graduada em Direito e Filosofia.

Daniel Martínez-Ávila, Universidad de León

Professor Assistente Doutor da Universidad de León e Professor Permanete no Programa de Pós-Graduação da Universidade Estadual Paulista. Possui graduação em Biblioteconomía y Documentación pela Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2005), Licenciado en Documentación pela Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2007), Mestrado em Investigación en Documentación pela Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2009), e Doutorado internacional pelo Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Documentación pela Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2012).


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2022-06-28 — Updated on 2022-06-28


How to Cite

MELLO, M. R. G. de; MARTÍNEZ-ÁVILA, D. Critical health information literacy: theoretical reflections on the vulnerability condition of refugees. Asklepion: Informação em Saúde, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 2, n. 1, p. 19–36, 2022. DOI: 10.21728/asklepion.2022v2n1.p19-36. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 jan. 2025.